The usual sneers about whether Aristotle is going to “come in handy on the job” are so utterly misguided. “After college,” says a young woman who dropped out after all of a semester—she is quoted in one of those books that advise young people to forget about higher education altogether—”no one cares how well you can talk about Hume or Kant.” Maybe not, but they care how well you can talk. They care how well you can think. And studying the most challenging works of art, literature, and philosophy—”being forced every day to think about the hardest things people have ever thought about,” as a recent humanities graduate put it to me—is the best training you can give yourself in how to talk and think. ~ William Deresiewicz, pg 155
Employers Care About How Well You Talk and Think
December 10, 2014 |
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William Deresiewicz
Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite
"In the chapter on Great Books"
Free Press, 2014
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